
Also known as the temple city Bhubaneswar is the New Bangalore. The city was declared as the smartest city in the year 2016. The city has undergone massive developments in the past 5 years. Where you want some fine dining experience or just a place to pass your time, the city will never fail to impress. The city is referred to as Temple city. Lingaraja Temple, Mukteswa Temple, Ram Mandir, Raja Rani Temple, Chaunsath Yogini Temple, Parasuramesara Temple, Brahmeshwara Temple, Kedargauri Temple, Ananta Vasudeva Temple and many more temples situated in the city. This city has its unique wildlife, long-cherished heritage and cutting – edge technology and where all three can find a seamless integration.

There is some beautiful lake Bindu Sarovara better known as Bindu Sagar near Lingaraja and Ananta Vasudeva Temple, Bindu Sarovara keeps drop of every holy river in it. There are lot of legends associated with the waters of the tank which play a significant part in the local religious rituals. Bindu Sarovara is a sacred water body mentioned in ancient times. The story goes that Parvati was thirsty, so Shiva plunged his trident into the earth and drew water through a spring, thus the lake was formed. It is replenished by a number of underground springs.

You will understand the rich culture and heritage of the State Odisha in a day by visiting Odisha State museum. Located in the capital city of Odisha, this institution holds important exhibits related to various subjects including archaeology, epigraphy, local jewelry and ornaments, local art work including patta paintings and masks, dresses, musical instruments, weapons and armory. The museum is highly recommended.

Bhubaneswar is the best place to stay if you are on route to Puri. October to March are the best months to visit this place.